I've got a bunch of cake pop orders coming up. One of which is for a Red Egg and Ginger Party. Its a celebration in the Chinese culture when parents hold a celebration to introduce their latest addition to friends and relatives. The eggs are a symbol of fertility, renewal of life, unity and harmony. They are dyed red as a symbol of good luck. The ginger adds a bit of hot spice to the yin and yang because of traditional Chinese food. The baby's mother is thought to need this yang after the tiring process of giving birth.
Chris and Fred are ordering a total of 200 cake pops. They really liked my hello kitty cake pops and wanted me to make them baby tiger cake pops since their daughter Taylor is born in the year of the tiger. I was able to make a sample for them and they were happy with how they came out. As soon as I complete the order, I'll upload the pics...but here's a pic of how the tiger cake pops will look like. Raawr.
I also have another huge cake pop order the following weekend. Joanna and Glenn are throwing their daughters, Gennesys and Gianna a combined birthday celebration and they asked me if I would make Hello Kitty cake pops. I'm so excited since I love sharing my sweets and seeing the family. Its always a great time with the Mandapats and Barlaans. :)
I'll be posting pics as I continue to work on the orders and blog about helpful tips when making the cake pops too. Its taken me about a year to get a technique down with these cake pops and I'm happy to share the tips I've learned along the way. Til then, happy baking.