Its funny how the bff and I think so much alike and usually during the same time. She recently made samoas cake pops and I was just about to email her a recipe for samoas cupcakes. Samoas cookies are my all time favorite Girls Scout cookies and the reason for the extra love in my tummy. :) I was able to find a recipe for samoas cupcakes online but I'm gonna tweek it a bit. I'll let you know how it turns out and post up pics as soon as I bake them. I've been having issues lately since moving to our new place because our oven is electric! I want my conventional oven back. Waaaah! My goods are baking too quickly and not turning out as well as they used to.
Here's the bff's pics and recipe. Enjoy!
Samoas Cake Pops
taken from Shellski
1 yellow cake mix
lollipop sticks
1 pkg chewy caramels (I used Kraft)
4 c shredded coconut
2 c semi-sweet chocolate